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How to Give the Gift of Show Tickets
My mom, never one to ignore the details of gift presentation, would wrap the tickets with something from the show - typically the soundtrack, T-shirt or other souvenir item. I think I still have my shirt that says "No day but today, " gifted with tickets to "Rent."
A recent study at San Francisco State University determined that while a majority of people believe material goods are worth more than experiences, the same people actually got more enjoyment from the experiential purchases when it was all said and done.
Here are some common conundrums with gifting event tickets, and how to confront them:
How do I know what event would this person would like?
The gift recipient's taste in music and other arts is probably different than yours, so the best people to buy tickets for are those you know well, such as family or close friends. People are usually pretty vocal about their sports loyalties, so that's a great start.
How do I know the person will be available on that date?
Again, this is easier if you're close with the person. Simply avoid any standing commitments, such as volunteer work on Monday nights, and any times when the person will be on vacation. (This info should be easy to get discreetly.)
If the recipient might enjoy a subscription to his or her local theater, symphony or ballet company, check on whether the subscription packages come with free ticket exchange, which allows you to get tickets to the same production for a different date or time if you have to miss your scheduled performance.
At the end of the day, though, you don't know whether the person will wear the sweater or use the cheese board either, so if you feel you can make an educated guess that's probably good enough.
Is it weird that the price will be on the tickets?
Just treat it as though it's a gift card, which also has a price displayed - probably much more conspicuously.
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