TravelSafe Pro
Are you required to visit different parts of the world quite frequently? If yes, then you would agree to the fact that life these days is unsafe enough to wander about without knowing about safety/security services and that too in a strange land. Developed by XDA-Developers member mattneri, TravelSafe is an Android app that brings all the key information pertaining to emergency services and crucial numbers of a specific region/country for quick access at the time of need. By having information about international embassy numbers and emergency service numbers (ambulance, fire and police) on your device, you can avail them if and when required without an internet connection.
Of course, the concept of TravelSafe might not sound all that intriguing at first, but imagine yourself caught up in a situation where you are in an estranged land with no one to help you nearby, or worse yet, you are completely alien about the native language of the touring place. Instead of trying to interpret the bamboozling signs displayed on the board, or attempting to match the provided phone numbers without any knowledge whatsoever about the context, you can just fire up TravelSafe on your Android, and instantly get the important numbers without asking for external help. In case of an emergency, it becomes hard to find telephone directories and emergency phone numbers through the internet. This is where TravelSafe comes in handy. Although, quite restricted in its features, TravelSafe can serve a very important cause in case you are trapped in some trouble while travelling.
When launched, the app greets you through a solitary home screen with three dedicated buttons namely Choose Your Nationality, Show Emergency Numbers and Show Embassies. As evident by their respective title, each button is there to serve a specific purpose. For instance, Choose Your Nationality is from where you may TravelSafe contains emergency calling numbers for ambulance, fire brigade and police for almost all the countries of the world. Tapping the Show Emergency Numbers button displays a comprehensive country list along with their respective flags and area codes. As of this writing, the app supports English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages.
See also:

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