Travel order Request Form
Read more about the new Chip/PIN travel cards!
Separating or Retiring - Pay attention to your discharge date
Your travel voucher cannot be processed until the date you are placed on the retirement list or your discharge date. This date will be on your military orders. Refer to the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) for more information.
After April 30, we will only accept the current version of the travel voucher.
Earlier versions signed and dated May 1 or later will be returned for action. We don't want you to have to redo your claim on the current version of the form dated May 2011.
Check Your Voucher Status Online There's an easy way to find out the status of your travel voucher! The tool provides travel payment status for Active duty Army PCS and active duty Army and National Guard. This is for non-DTS travel claims.
To access with older browsers
on your desktop use this link.
Travel Regs Merge
October 1, 2014 the Joint Travel Regulations (JTFR) and the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) officially merged into a single set of regulations called the "Joint Travel Regulations."
The merger of the regulations into one volume makes them more easily accessible and understandable to travelers and provides aligned language that highlights where allowances are different for uniformed members and civilians.
Joint Travel Regulations:
Are you sending in your TDY travel claim?
. Separate your DD1351-2 and suppoorting docuements for the 1st claim - insert separator sheet - add DD1351-2 and supporting documents for 2nd claim - insert separator sheet - add 3rd claim (repeat as needed)... scan, then submit online with Travel Voucher Direct.
See also: