Fun Travel jobs
Seeing the world and getting paid for it is an unbeatable combination.
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Travel is just a dream for many workers with traditional jobs, but you can make that dream come true if you choose your career wisely. Even in rough economic times, options remain for the person who wants to make travel and fun a part of her working life. These jobs typically require a lot of hard work, but if you're willing to put in the effort, you can see the world - or at least a part of it - at the same time you're getting valuable work experience.
Tour Group Leader
If you have a love for history and a talent for explaining it to others, a career as a tour guide can be a great way to see new places. Tour operators based in the United States often hire American workers to lead groups of clients on trips both domestic and international. They look for people with knowledge about their tour destinations and the training and experience to manage a crowd. Applicants typically enroll in a tour guiding course to learn more about the destination and the skills required to do the job. In some cases, the tour company will even provide familiarization trips and on-the-job training to suitable candidates.
Cruise Ship
Cruise ship workers get a free ride to ports of call around the world, not to mention all the food you can eat and a nice home address. Cruise ship work is not always easy, however, and if it's fun you're looking for, consider joining up as a member of the entertainment staff. These singers, dancers and managers design and execute all onboard activities from daily trivia events to nighttime talent shows, and they tend to be "on" all the time. If you have a big personality and love to travel, a job in cruise ship entertainment is a good option for you.
Related Reading: Careers That Require Travel Around the World
Au Pair
The term "au pair" may sound like a fancy way to say babysitter, but when you understand the difference you'll see why it warrants such an elegant title. Au pairs are live-in nannies who are often treated like one of the family and who go everywhere with the host family, including on vacations and days at the beach. If you have an affinity for minding children or you're an experienced babysitter, many families will hire you to watch the kids while they get on with their own activities. Being an English speaker is often a plus when you're seeking an au pair position abroad because families may prefer their children to become fluent in the language of international commerce while being fed and changed.
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